DBpedia Blog

Call for Participation – LDK Conference & DBpedia Day


With the advent of digital technologies, an ever-increasing amount of language data is now available across various application areas and industry sectors, thus making language data more and more valuable. In that context, we would like to draw your attention to the 2nd Language, Data and Knowledge conference, short LDK conference which will be held in Leipzig from May 20th till 22nd, 2019.

The Conference

This new biennial conference series aims at bringing together researchers from across disciplines concerned with language data in data science and knowledge-based applications.

Keynote Speakers

We are happy, that Christian Bizer, a founding member of DBpedia, will be one of the three amazing keynote speakers that open the LDK conference. Apart from Christian, Christiane Fellbaum from Princeton University and  Eduart Werner, representative of Leipzig University will share their thoughts on current language data issues to start vital discussions revolving around language data.

Be part of this event in Leipzig and catch up with the latest research outcomes in the areas of acquisition, provenance, representation, maintenance, usability, quality as well as legal, organizational and infrastructure aspects of language data.  

DBpedia Community Meeting

To get the full Leipzig experience, we also like to invite you to our DBpedia Community meeting, which is colocated with LDK and will be held on May, 23rd 2019. Contributions are still welcome. Just in get in touch via dbpedia@infai.org .

We also offer an interesting side-event, the Thinktank and Hackathon “Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture”. Visit our website for further information.

Join LDK conference 2019 and our DBpedia Community Meeting to catch up with the latest research and developments in the Semantic Web Community. 

Yours DBpedia Association