Getting Started

Marvin Release Bot

MARVIN is the release bot that does automated DBpedia releases each month on three different servers for generic, mappings, wikidata, abstract extraction. This repository can be used to fork the architecture for creating extensions, developing new extractors or debugging old ones. Fixes and patches will be deployed on the DBpedia servers each month via a fresh git clone from the master branch of the DIEF (DBpedia Information Extraction Framework).

Quick Start: Run a MARVIN Extraction

Implementation note: the scripts creates a folder marvin-extraction where the code, results and logs are.

# check out this repo with all config files
git clone
cd marvin-config

# (optional) delete previous versions of the DIEF
# (~10 minutes) install dief in marvin-extraction/extraction-framework
# if you installed it already you can run `git pull && mvn clean install` to update
rm -rf marvin-extraction/extraction-framework

# test run Romanian extraction, very small
./ test

To run the other extractions, use either of

# around 4-7 days
./ generic
# around 4-7 days
./ mappings
# around 7-14 days
./ wikidata

To specify a different dump-date

# Set it in extractionConfiguration/{download|extraction}.*.properties

If specified dump-date is newer as current local dumps, then adding it to extractionConfiguration/download.*.properties is enough

Contributions & License

All scripts and config files in this repo are CC-0 (Public Domain). We accept pull requests to improve the config files, all contributions will be merged as CC-0. Marvin-config is intended to bootstrap developing fixes for the DIEF.


We thank Sören Auer and the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) for providing three servers to run:

  • the main DBpedia extraction on a monthly basis
  • community-provided extractors on Wikipedia, Wikidata or other sources
  • enrichment, cleaning and parsing services, so-called Databus mods for open data on the Databus

This contribution by TIB to DBpedia & its community is a great push towards incentivizing Open Data and establishing a global and national research and innovation data infrastructure.