Data Set 3.2

Dataset category: 
Publication Year: 

This pages provides downloads of the DBpedia datasets. The DBpedia datasets are licensed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License The downloads are provided as N-Triples and in CSV format. All files are bz2 packed.

Dump Dates:

en: 20081008, de: 20081011, fr: 20081017, es: 20081018, it: 200801030, pl: 20080612, nl: 20080609, pt: 20080625, sv: 20080612, ja: 20081019, ru: 20080614, zh: 20080625, fi: 20081101, no: 20080610

There are 16 more languages available, which are not included in the download table.


Move the mouse on the download links to obtain additional information.

Older Versions: DBpedia 3.1DBpedia 3.0DBpedia 3.0RCDBpedia 2.0

1 Core Datasets

Dataset en de fr es it pl nl pt sv ja ru zh fi no
Titles preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
Short Abstracts preview ) nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - -- nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt -
Extended Abstracts preview ) nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - -- nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt - nt -
Images preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Wikipedia Article preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
Articles Categories preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
External Links preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Infoboxes preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
Properties preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
DBpedia Ontology preview ) owl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ontology Infoboxes preview ) nt -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Ontology Types preview ) nt -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Homepages preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Geographic Coordinates preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
Pagelinks preview ) nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv -- nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv nt csv
Persondata preview ) nt csv nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Redirects preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Disambiugation Links preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
WordNet Classes preview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Categories (Labelspreview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Categories (Skospreview ) nt csv -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

2 Extended Datasets

Dataset en de fr es it pl nl pt sv ja ru zh fi no
Links to Geonames preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to RDF Bookmashup preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to DBLP preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Eurostat preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to CIA Factbook preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Project Gutenberg preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Musicbrainz preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Revyu preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to US Census preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to flickr wrappr preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to WikiCompany preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Cyc preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Links to Freebase preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
YAGO Classes preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
YAGO Links preview ) nt - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


3 Dataset Descriptions



Titles of all Wikipedia Articles in the corresponding language

Short Abstracts

Short Abstracts (max. 500 chars long) of Wikipedia Articles

Extended Abstracts

Additional, extended English abstracts (max. 3000 chars long).


Thumbnail Links from Wikipedia Articles

Links to Wikipedia Article

Links to corresponding Articles in Wikipedia

Articles Categories

Links from concepts to categories using the SKOS vocabulary.

External Links

Links to external web pages about a concept.


Information that has been extracted from Wikipedia infoboxes.


All properties / predicates used in infoboxes.

Ontology Ontology

The DBpedia Ontology, which was mostly manually created within the DBpedia project.

Ontology Infoboxes

Information that has been extracted from Wikipedia infoboxes using an infobox to DBpedia ontology mapping.

Ontology Types

rdf:type assertions for DBpedia ontology.


Links to external webpages.

Geographic Coordinates

Geographic coordinates extracted from Wikipedia.


Dataset containing internal links between DBpedia instances. The dataset was created from the internal pagelinks between Wikipedia articles. The dataset might be useful for structural analysis, data mining or for ranking DBpedia instances using Page Rank or similar algorithms.


Information about persons (date and place of birth etc.) extracted from the English and German Wikipedia, represented using the FOAF vocabulary.


Dataset containing redirects between Articles in Wikipedia

Disambiugation Links

Extraction from Disambiguation Templates

WordNet Classes

Classification links to W3C Wordnet.

Categories (Labels)

Labels for Categories.

Categories (Skos)

Information which concept is a category and how categories are related using the SKOS Vocabulary.

Links to Geonames

Links between geographic places in DBpedia and data about them in the Geonames database. Provided by the Geonames people. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to RDF Bookmashup

Links between books in DBpedia and data about them provided by the RDF Book Mashup. Provided by Georgi Kobilarov. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to DBLP

Links between computer scientists in DBpedia and their publications in the DBLP database. Links were created manually. Update mechanism: Copy over from previous release.

Links to Eurostat

Links between countries and regions in DBpedia and data about them from Eurostat. Links were created manually. Update mechanism: Copy over from previous release.

Links to CIA Factbook

Links between countries in DBpedia and data about them from CIA Factbook. Links were created manually. Update mechanism: Copy over from previous release.

Links to Project Gutenberg

Links between writers in DBpedia and data about them from Project Gutenberg. Update mechanism: script in SVN. Since this requires manual changes of files and a D2R installation, it will be copied over from the previous DBpedia version and updated between releases by the maintainers (Piet Hensel and Georgi Kobilarov).

Links to Musicbrainz

Links between artists, albums and songs in DBpedia and data about them from Musicbrainz. Created manually using the result of SPARQL queries. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to Quotationsbook

Links between persons in DBpedia and data about them from Quotationsbook. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to Revyu

Links to Reviews about things in Revyu. Created manually by Tom Heath. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to US Census

Links between US cities and states in DBpedia and data about them from US Census. Update mechanism: unclear/copy over from previous release.

Links to flickr wrappr

Links between DBpedia concepts and photo collections depicting them generated by the flikr wrappr. Update mechanism: script in SVN.

Links to WikiCompany

Links between companies in DBpedia and companies in Wikicompany. Update mechanism: script in SVN.

Links to Cyc

Links between DBpedia and Cyc concepts. Details. Update mechanism: awk script.

YAGO Classes

Dataset containing rdf:type Statements for all DBpedia instances using YAGO classification algorithm. Includes the RDFS hierarchy of YAGO classes. This data set is created by running the DBpediaExport converter available at the YAGO website. Currently maintained by Fabian Suchanek and Jens Lehmann.

YAGO Links

Dataset containing owl:sameAs and owl:equivalent class mappings from DBpedia to YAGO. This data set is created by running the DBpediaLink converter available at the YAGO website. Currently maintained by Fabian Suchanek and Jens Lehmann.


[Note for Wiki Editors: The wiki code for this page is generated automatically. Please modify the files in to make permanent changes.]