DBpedia Blog

DBpedia @ GSoC 2017 – Call for ideas & mentors


Dear DBpedians,

As previous years, we would like your input for DBpedia related project ideas for GSoC 2017.

For those who are unfamiliar with GSoC (Google Summer of Code), Google pays students (BSc, MSc, PhD) to work for 3 months on an open source project. Open source organizations announce their student projects and students apply for projects they like. After a selection phase, students are matched with a specific project and a set of mentors to work on the project during the summer.

Here you can see the Google Summer of Code 2017 timeline: https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/timeline

or please check:  http://wiki.dbpedia.org/gsoc2016

If you have a cool idea for DBpedia or want to co-mentor an existing cool idea go here (All mentors get a free Google T-shirt and get the chance to go Google HQs in November.).

DBpedia applied for the fifth time to participate in the Google Summer of Code program. Here you will find a list of all projects and students from GSoC 2016: http://blog.dbpedia.org/2016/04/26/dbpedia-google-summer-of-code-2016/

Check our website for further updates, follow us on #twitter or subscribe to our newsletter.

Looking forward to your input.

Your DBpedia Association